This is reserved for birthmothers, any woman who has placed a child for adoption.
We (volunteer birthmothers) are hosting a video conference call with birthmothers. To join, click on the link copied below by Friday, May 10th at 10 am to register. Once your registration is accepted, you will receive an email with the Zoom link and password to join on May 11th, 2024.
Saturday, May 11th, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Via Zoom online platform for virtual gatherings.
What is Zoom?
It is a video conferencing service. If you have never used it before, click the meeting link before the Zoom meeting so you can download the app on your phone or on your computer – Zoom is a free app.
What do I need to participate?
1. Internet
2. A smartphone, tablet or computer
3. A quiet place (with no other people around) where you can join the virtual meeting
4. The Zoom link and password (which are provided after you register)
5. A picture of your child who you placed for adoption (if you have one), if you don’t have a picture, you can bring a picture frame.
6. A candle and matches or a lighter
7. Colouring activity set: you can print a flower colouring sheet that we would email to you as well as have items to colour with OR if you need these items, please let us know no later than May 2nd and we can provide them to you
What should I expect?
This is a chance for us to connect with other birthmothers, share our stories, and find things to be grateful for. Participation in the sharing and discussion is completely voluntary and CONFIDENTIAL. There will be an introduction, some story sharing, a short talk about gratitude, and an origami craft. Then, we will end the call by blowing out our candles.
Do I have to turn on my camera/video?
You don’t have to, but if a connection is what we are hoping to build, then engaging with each other is a lot easier if we can see each other.
Can I mute myself?
Sure! If you’ve got a lot of background noise, we recommend it.
What are we going to talk about?
This is going to be a chance to get to know other birthmothers, an opportunity to connect and honour each other in our shared journey of placing a child for adoption. We will share our stories, talk about gratitude, and share things that we are hopeful for.
Can anyone else from my home join me on the Zoom call?
This virtual celebration is for birthmothers only. We realize you may have others in your household, but we want to be respectful of the private information being shared, so we ask that you attend the event in a private room and away from loud areas. Find a way to make this YOUR TIME. We are here to celebrate you.
What happens after the event?
The meeting will end, and we hope each participant takes care of themselves. Play some uplifting music, go for a walk, light a candle, have a bath, and write in a gratitude journal. Honour yourself!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email one of us:
Melinda (mpoko@telus.net)
Tina (tina.johnsonadams@gmail.com)
Mackenzie (mackenzie.godlien@adoptionoptions.com)
You need to register in advance using this link to attend. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
We hope to see you at the Birthmother’s Day Virtual Tea event on May 11th!